I’m working on a presentation about our mighty little bike club for the Middle Level Council Day with ASD-W at the beginning of May & while digging trough things these two pictures below surfaced. As the kids like to say, I can’t even.
See, these girls here are why the George Street Cycling Squad exists. Five years ago I had an idea – a simple, powerful idea – that where riding bikes had helped me over & over again to overcome all sorts of difficulties, stresses & conundrums, it could do the same for others. It’s not just me that believes this: so many books have been written, youtube videos, podcasts, articles created & even legislation penned with this in mind – bicycles are a tool of personal transformation & social change. Bikes have carried suffragettes to liberation, explorers into the unknown, cities into the 21st century & so, so many of us to health, wellness & friendship. Who knows – maybe they will even carry us away from the edge of ecological collapse.
Nevertheless, this for sure: if I could give a few kids the opportunity to get their hands greasy maybe, just maybe, I could turn the wheels of revolution just a bit towards the powers of good. So, I hauled some busted up old klunkers into a back corner of the school, invited a few Indigenous kids to come join me, & taught them how to take the bikes apart & put them back together. Did I change lives? Maybe. Was it really fun? Did it offer an chance to do something different that built up their confidence a bit? You bet.
From there? The rest continues to be history in the making.